Warhammer Online – Design Refresh


Warhammer Online: Design Refresh

Website: Warhammer Online
My Role: Design and Development

With the game’s launch site up for over a year, I decided to go back and give it a minor but welcome refresh. Finally being able to get some of the in-house artists time, we brought new life to the background, header, and main nav bar of the site. Crazy how much a simple change like that can change the overall feel of a site (for the better). With the refresh, I was also able to give the Patch Notes page a bit of graphical love as well. One last piece we launched was a New Player Guide to help our growing base of new blood.

Main Design Refresh
Warhammer Online - Design Refresh - Main

Patch Notes – Listing
Warhammer Online - Design Refresh - Patch Notes Listing

Patch Notes – Display
Warhammer Online - Design Refresh - Patch Notes Display

New Player Guide – Index
Warhammer Online - Design Refresh - New Player Guide Index

New Player Guide – Subpage
Warhammer Online - Design Refresh - New Player Guide Subpage